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Environment and Climate

Leading the Way: BUWOG Signs klimaaktiv Pakt2030

Climate change mitigation and quality of life must go hand-in-hand. It is with this conviction that BUWOG has made a voluntary commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 55 percentage points by 2030. The Vonovia subsidiary is one of only eleven Austrian major companies – and the only one in the real estate sector – to be accepted into the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action’s new “klimaaktiv” pact, and, with its voluntary commitment, even exceeds the target of reducing carbon emissions by half by 2030. This solidifies BUWOG’s leading position in the area of climate change mitigation. “We hope that we can also motivate as many other real estate companies as possible to work on reducing their carbon emissions,” says BUWOG chief Valerija Karsai. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, BUWOG is implementing a number of measures within the building portfolio – first and foremost, insulation refurbishment, improvements in the efficiency of heating systems and switching to more eco-friendly energy sources. In new construction projects, properties are built exclusively with low-energy status, flanked by greening and environmentally friendly mobility solutions. You can find more about the klimaaktiv Pakt online.

„We hope that we can also motivate as many other real estate companies as possible to work on reducing their carbon emissions.“
Daniel Riedl
Vonovia SE, CDO
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is a climate action initiative launched by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK). The initiative develops quality standards and, in addition to training and education programs, also offers consultation and information services and has a large partner network in its portfolio.

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