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Approach to Diversity and Equal Opportunities









Our Approach

There are a number of reasons why Vonovia is committed to respecting diversity and putting it into practice. We provide homes for tenants from every background you can imagine, and employ people from over 70 different countries. We also believe that, in a complex world, diversity gives us a significant advantage over the competition. We signed the Diversity Charter in 2013 to express our conviction. We are also committed to upholding other national and international guidelines, as detailed in our Declaration of Respect for Human Rights (see Compliance and Guidelines). By treating every employee in the Group equally, we create a working environment where people are respected, tolerated and appreciated, regardless of their age, ethnic origin, nationality, gender, sexual identity, physical or mental abilities, religion, worldview, sexual orientation, social background, education or disability. Even though we conclude from this figure that we have already achieved considerable equality of opportunity and that we embrace and promote diversity within the company, we continuously institute further measures in this context and/or adapt existing measures to reflect changes in underlying conditions.

>70 nationalities
work at Vonovia

National and International Guidelines

  • Core ILO norms
  • UN Global Compact
  • Diversity Charter
  • General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG)

At the top level of management, the diversity concept for the composition of the management and control bodies is set out in detail in the Corporate Governance Declaration.

Organizational Focus

All managers in the company are responsible for implementing and respecting our diversity and equal opportunity standards and complying with the corresponding policies on a daily basis.

Objectives and Measures

We believe that increasing the number of women in the company is particularly important, as they – chiefly due to the technical occupations in the field of skilled trades – are considerably underrepresented with a share of 28.2% of the workforce as a whole. The SPI indicator “Proportion of women in leadership roles in the first and second level below the Management Board” clearly illustrates that we take care to proactively promote women and give them opportunities to pursue leadership positions and technical occupations. When setting the target – 29% by 2024 – we were guided by the representation of women in the Group as a whole. In Austria, we were not only awarded the equalitA certification for the internal promotion of women, but also the state certification as a family-friendly company.

New NON-Financial Performance Metric 2021
Proportion of women in management positions
(first and second levels below the Management Board)

Responsibility for gender equality was elevated to the Management Board during the year under review. This highlights the importance of this issue for Vonovia, both strategically and in terms of the company’s ethos. In addition to taking action to increase the number of women in management positions, we also want to provide more networking opportunities for the women in our workforce. We are planning to set up networking groups to this end in the future.

The Vonovia Academy offers courses which are specially designed to provide our female employees with opportunities for professional development, such as “Women in management – what it means to be successful as a woman in leadership”. In 2022, we are also planning to keep our SPI indicator “women in management positions” on a par with the previous year.

We have also revised the training course covering the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) in order to raise our employees’ awareness of this issue. All new hires are required to complete this training course. We have also condensed and updated our training material covering discriminatory behavior. This material is closely related to the training course on our Code of Conduct, which all employees are required to complete every two years. All of these training courses are provided digitally so that they can be accessed from anywhere. We are proud that, as in previous years, there was not a single case of discriminatory behavior to report during the year under review.

Once again zero cases
of discrimination reported

More information can be found in the Governance and Compliance section.

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