- Positive business development in 2021, another year dominated by the pandemic
- Successful acquisition of the Deutsche Wohnen Group in the third quarter of 2021
- Significant equity and debt financing measures implemented
- New construction and modernization strategy continued
- A total of 2,200 new apartments created
- Sustainability Performance Index increases to 109%
Vonovia can report positive business development in the pandemic year of 2021. All in all, the coronavirus pandemic only had a minor impact on the company’s operating business.
Total segment revenue increased by 18.5% to around € 5.2 billion in 2021.
The Adjusted EBITDA Total came to € 2,269.3 million, an increase 18.8% against the 2020 figure.
Group FFO improved by 24.0% from € 1,348.2 million to € 1,672.0 million.
The EPRA NTA per share came in at € 66.73, up by 13.5% on the TERP-adjusted prior-year value of € 58.78.
The Sustainability Performance Index rose to 109% by the end of 2021. This was helped along in particular by the reduction of CO₂ intensity, the development of the average primary energy requirements of new construction, and the positive development of the customer satisfaction index.