Shareholders and Annual General Meeting
Shareholder Information: Shareholders can obtain full and timely information about our company on our website and can access current as well as historical company data. Among other information on its website, Vonovia regularly posts all financial reports, important information on the company’s governing bodies (including resumes), its corporate governance documentation (declaration of conformity), information requiring ad hoc disclosure and press releases.
Directors’ Dealings: Information on directors’ dealings/managers’ transactions notifiable pursuant to Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation is published by Vonovia without delay in accordance with the Regulation and is made available on the company’s website, with information also being provided on the shares held by each member of the company’s executive bodies.
Financial Calendar: Shareholders and interested members of the financial community can use the regularly updated financial calendar on the website to obtain information on publication, conference and information dates, roadshows and the timing of the Annual General Meeting early on.
Annual General Meeting and Voting: The Annual General Meeting decides in particular on the appropriation of profit, the ratification of the acts of the members of the Management Board and of the Supervisory Board, the appointment of the external auditor, amendments to the Articles of Association as well as specific capital measures and individually elects the shareholders’ representatives to the Supervisory Board.
Our shareholders can exercise their voting rights at the meeting or instruct a proxy of their choice or one of the proxies provided for that purpose by the company. Our shareholders are also able to submit a postal vote. The details regarding the postal voting procedure are in the respective shareholder’s invitation to the Annual General Meeting.
The entire documentation for the Annual General Meeting and opportunities to authorize, and issue instructions to, the company’s proxies, as well as to submit a postal vote, are available to shareholders at all times on the Vonovia website.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2021 Annual General Meeting was held as a virtual event, as was the case in 2020. Vonovia believes that this concept has proven to be very successful. In the spirit of digitalization and sustainability, this Annual General Meeting format is considered to have future potential.
Remuneration Paid to Executive Bodies: The remuneration paid to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board has been set out in detail every year in the combined management report in line with the corporate governance requirements.
Going forward, and as a result of the “Act Implementing the Second Shareholders’ Rights Directive” (ARUG II), the remuneration report will be published on Vonovia SE’s website.
The basic principles of the remuneration system for Management Board members have to be approved by the Annual General Meeting. For this purpose, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board submitted the remuneration system, which had been enhanced in line with the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) and the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC), to the 2021 Annual General Meeting for approval, which was granted with 87.75% of the votes cast.