Our Understanding of Sustainability
As a stakeholder in society, Vonovia is actively involved with social topics. Our day-to-day business is geared toward fulfilling people’s basic need for a home. We take a sustainable and responsible approach to living up to this responsibility. We have a particular obligation towards more than one million customers in Germany, Austria and Sweden, as well as society as a whole, the environment and our shareholders.
In 2020, Vonovia substantially expanded the company’s interpretation of sustainability. This interpretation is derived from the materiality matrix and the corporate strategy, which incorporates sustainability-related issues to a greater extent than in the past. We have communicated our understanding of sustainability and defined our social purpose.
Based on our understanding of sustainability, we have identified 24 material and important topics, pooled in five different action areas. How we run our company and our daily actions sustainably is largely guided by this understanding of sustainability. This shared understanding also makes it easier for us to communicate our ambitions to external parties with a unified voice.
Our understanding of sustainability, published on our Investor Relations website, is complemented by our Declaration of Respect for Human Rights, which we revised in 2022. In this statement, we communicate our clear conviction for a pluralistic democratic society and zero tolerance of human rights violations and our commitment to respect Human Rights in all aspects of our business. We adhere to the core labor standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the principles of the UN Global Compact. In addition to the Declaration on Human Rights, further essential documents that guide our conduct can be found on our Investor Relations website, such as the Code of Conduct and Business Partner Code.