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Further Statutory Disclosures

Corporate Governance

In the corporate governance declaration, we report on the principles of management and corporate governance in accordance with Principle 23 of the German Corporate Governance Code and Section 289 et seq. of the German Commercial Code (HGB). The declaration contains the Declaration of Conformity, information on corporate governance practices, a description of how the Management Board and Supervisory Board work and key corporate governance structures. The corporate governance declaration, which is not included in the audit conducted by the auditor of the annual financial statements pursuant to Section 317 (2) (6) HGB, has been published on the Investor Relations website and does not form part of the management report.

Corporate governance is the responsible management and supervision of a company.

With balanced corporate governance, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board wish to safeguard Vonovia SE’s competitiveness, strengthen the trust of the capital market and the general public in the company and sustainably increase the company’s value.

As a major real estate company, we are aware of the particular significance of our entrepreneurial actions for society at large. As a result, we are also committed to the main aims and principles of the Institute for Corporate Governance of the German housing industry. It supplements the corporate governance principles to include housing-specific aspects and is committed to even greater transparency, an improved image and a more competitive real estate sector.

The Management Board has looked at the appropriateness of the internal control system that has been set up and has evaluated its effectiveness. Within this context, the Management Board verified, also based on discussions with the Internal Audit department, that the technical and organizational safeguards put in place for control purposes are suitable for the purposes of ensuring that the company is protected from material damage resulting from financial losses, fraudulent acts or mismanagement in all key matters. Among other things, the standards set out in the German Corporate Governance Code, based on the most recent publications from 2022, serve as the benchmark here. Ultimately, the Management Board has no reason to believe that the internal control system is not appropriate and effective in all key aspects.

Based on findings from internal or external audits, we make continuous improvements to our internal control system. Another component of our internal control system is regular monitoring, on the basis of which any weak points identified are eliminated. Any weak points identified in the internal control system on the basis of the investigations against individuals who are largely former employees, of which Vonovia was notified on March 7, 2023, will also be eliminated in a timely manner. Initial internal investigations have, however, revealed that the allegations made in the context of the investigations are based exclusively on collusion between the defendants, meaning that existing, otherwise effective control mechanisms can be circumvented.*

  1. * The content of this and the previous paragraph – in particular the statement on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the internal control system – does not form part of the statutory audit of the annual and consolidated financial statements, meaning that it has not been audited.

Subscribed Capital and Shares

The share capital of Vonovia SE as of December 31, 2022 amounted to € 795.8 million (previous year: € 776.6 million), divided into 795,849,997 no-par-value shares with a notional interest in the share capital of € 1.00 per share. All shares carry the same rights and obligations. Each share grants one vote at the Annual General Meeting and is decisive for the share held by shareholders in the company’s profits. The rights and obligations of the shareholders result in detail from the provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act, in particular from Article 9 (1c) (ii) of the SE Regulation in conjunction with Sections 12, 53a et seq., 118 et seq. and 186 of the German Stock Corporation Act. There are no shares with special rights conferring powers of control.

Shareholdings in the Capital Exceeding 10.0% of the Voting Rights

Pursuant to Section 33 (1) of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG), shareholders who exceed or fall below the threshold of 10.0% of the voting rights of a listed company, among other criteria, must notify the company and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) without delay. These notifications are published by Vonovia SE in accordance with Section 40 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG). Direct or indirect shareholdings in the share capital of Vonovia SE that exceed the threshold of 10.0% of the voting rights have been reported by Norges Bank, which has its registered headquarters in Oslo. As of December 31, 2022, Norges Bank had a direct shareholding of 14.6%.

Authority of the Management Board to Issue or Repurchase Shares

At the Annual General Meeting on April 29, 2022, the decision was taken to cancel Authorized Capital 2021 and to create the new Authorized Capital 2022 in the amount of € 233,000,000.00, under which, in accordance with Article 5 of the Articles of Association, the Management Board is authorized until 2027 to increase total equity on one or more occasions by issuing up to 233,000,000 new shares (“Authorized Capital 2022”). The “Conditional Capital 2021” was created to serve the authorization passed by the Annual General Meeting on April 16, 2021 to issue convertible bonds, bonds carrying option rights, participating rights, and participating bonds. On the basis of the resolution of this Annual General Meeting, the share capital is conditionally increased by up to € 282,943,649.00 through the issuing of 282,943,649 new no-par-value registered shares carrying dividend rights. The conditional capital increase will only be implemented to the extent that the holders, i.e. creditors, of the debt instruments set out in the capital increase resolution on Conditional Capital 2021 may demand conversion into shares and are served instead of payment.

The authority to acquire own shares arises from Article 9 (1) (c) (ii) SE Regulation in conjunction with Sections 71 et seq. AktG and, as of the reporting date, from the authorization passed by the Annual General Meeting on April 29, 2022. The Management Board is authorized, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, until April 28, 2027 to acquire and use own shares in the company up to a total of 10% of the share capital of the company existing at the time of the resolution or – if this value is lower – at the time the authorization is exercised, in accordance with the conditions granted, while observing the principle of equal treatment (Article 9 (1c) (ii) of the SE Council Regulation in conjunction with Section 53a AktG). The shares acquired on the basis of this authorization, together with other shares in the company that it has already acquired and still holds or that are attributable to it in accordance with Sections 71a et seq. AktG, may at no time exceed 10% of the respective share capital of the company.

Appointment and Removal from Office of Members of the Management Board and Amendments to the Articles of Association

Members of the Management Board are appointed and removed from office by the Supervisory Board in accordance with Art. 9 (1), Art. 39 (2) SE Regulation and Sections 84 and 85 AktG. The Supervisory Board appoints members of the Management Board for a maximum period of six years in accordance with the Articles of Association of Vonovia SE. Reappointment or extension of the term of office, in each case for a maximum of six years, is permissible. The Articles of Association of Vonovia SE further stipulate in Section 8 (1) that the Management Board shall consist of at least two members. It may appoint a member of the Management Board as Chairperson of the Management Board and a Deputy Chairperson. Pursuant to Art. 59 of the SE Regulation, the Annual General Meeting adopts resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association. In accordance with Art. 17 (4) of the Articles of Association, amendments to the Articles of Association require a majority of two thirds of the votes cast or, if at least half of the share capital is represented, a simple majority of the votes cast, unless mandatory statutory provisions require a different majority.

Change of control clauses and compensation agreements in the event of a takeover bid

The main agreements of Vonovia SE that are subject to a change of control relate primarily to financing agreements. In the event of a change of control, these provide for the right of termination and early repayment on the part of the lender, as is customary. Under certain circumstances, a change of control would have an impact on the bonds, promissory note loans and mortgages issued by Vonovia SE and on the existing credit lines and loan agreements concluded by Vonovia SE or Group companies with banks. The relevant terms and conditions comprise standard market agreements that grant the creditors the right of early termination or conversion in the event of a change of control pursuant to these terms and conditions. The employment contracts of the members of the Management Board also contain provisions in the event of a change of control. In the event of early termination of duties due to a change of control, the members of the Management Board are entitled to benefits.

Adjusted EBITDA Development

The Adjusted EBITDA Development includes the gross profit from the development activities of “to sell” projects (income from sold development projects less production costs) and the gross profit from the development activities of “to hold” projects (fair value of the units developed for the company’s own portfolio less incurred production costs) less the operating expenses from the Development segment.

Adjusted EBITDA Care

The Adjusted EBITDA Care is calculated by deducting maintenance expenses and operating costs from the segment revenue.

Adjusted EBITDA Recurring Sales

The Adjusted EBITDA Recurring Sales compares the proceeds generated from the privatization business with the fair values of assets sold and also deducts the related costs of sale. In order to disclose profit and revenue in the period in which they are incurred and to report a sales margin, the fair value of properties sold, valued in accordance with IFRS 5, has to be adjusted to reflect realized/unrealized changes in value.

Adjusted EBITDA Rental

The Adjusted EBITDA Rental is calculated by deducting the operating expenses of the Rental segment and the expenses for maintenance in the Rental segment from the Group’s rental income.

Adjusted EBITDA Total (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization)

Adjusted EBITDA Total is the result before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (including income from other operational investments and intragroup profits) adjusted for effects that do not relate to the period, recur irregularly and that are atypical for business operation, and for net income from fair value adjustments to investment properties. These non-recurring items include the development of new fields of business and business processes, acquisition projects, expenses for refinancing and equity increases (where not treated as capital procurement costs), IPO preparation costs and expenses for pre-retirement part-time work arrangements and severance payments. The Adjusted EBITDA Total is derived from the sum of the Adjusted EBITDA Rental, Adjusted EBITDA Value-add, Adjusted EBITDA Recurring Sales, Adjusted EBITDA Development and Adjusted EBITDA Care.

Adjusted EBITDA Total (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization)

Adjusted EBITDA Total is the result before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (including income from other operational investments and intragroup profits) adjusted for effects that do not relate to the period, recur irregularly and that are atypical for business operation, and for net income from fair value adjustments to investment properties. These non-recurring items include the development of new fields of business and business processes, acquisition projects, expenses for refinancing and equity increases (where not treated as capital procurement costs), IPO preparation costs and expenses for pre-retirement part-time work arrangements and severance payments. The Adjusted EBITDA Total is derived from the sum of the Adjusted EBITDA Rental, Adjusted EBITDA Value-add, Adjusted EBITDA Recurring Sales, Adjusted EBITDA Development and Adjusted EBITDA Care.

Adjusted EBITDA Total (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization)

Adjusted EBITDA Total is the result before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (including income from other operational investments and intragroup profits) adjusted for effects that do not relate to the period, recur irregularly and that are atypical for business operation, and for net income from fair value adjustments to investment properties. These non-recurring items include the development of new fields of business and business processes, acquisition projects, expenses for refinancing and equity increases (where not treated as capital procurement costs), IPO preparation costs and expenses for pre-retirement part-time work arrangements and severance payments. The Adjusted EBITDA Total is derived from the sum of the Adjusted EBITDA Rental, Adjusted EBITDA Value-add, Adjusted EBITDA Recurring Sales, Adjusted EBITDA Development and Adjusted EBITDA Care.

Adjusted EBITDA Value-add

The Adjusted EBITDA Value-add is calculated by deducting operating expenses from the segment’s income.


The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) is a private-sector U.S. organization. It was founded in 1985. In 1992, COSO published the COSO model, an SEC-recognized standard for internal controls. This provided a basis for the documentation, analysis and design of internal control systems. In 2004, the model was further developed and the COSO Enterprise Risk Management Framework was published. Since then, it has been used to structure and develop risk management systems.


Requirements specified in loan agreements or bond conditions containing future obligations of the borrower or the bond obligor to meet specific requirements or to refrain from undertaking certain activities.

EPRA Key Figures

For information on the EPRA key figures, we refer to the chapter on segment reporting according to EPRA.


The presentation of the NAV based on the EPRA definition aims to show the net asset value in a long-term business model. NTA stands for Net Tangible Assets. The equity attributable to Vonovia’s shareholders is adjusted by deferred taxes in relation to the existing portfolio and the fair value of derivative financial instruments after taking deferred taxes into account. Stated goodwill and other intangible assets are also deducted.

European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA)

The European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) is a non-profit organization that has its registered headquarters in Brussels and represents the interests of listed European real estate companies. Its mission is to raise awareness of European listed real estate companies as a potential investment destination that offers an alternative to conventional investments. EPRA is a registered trademark of the European Public Real Estate Association.

European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA)

The European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) is a non-profit organization that has its registered headquarters in Brussels and represents the interests of listed European real estate companies. Its mission is to raise awareness of European listed real estate companies as a potential investment destination that offers an alternative to conventional investments. EPRA is a registered trademark of the European Public Real Estate Association.

Fair Value

Fair value is particularly relevant with regard to valuation in accordance with IAS 40 in conjunction with IFRS 13. The fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction.

Fair Value

Fair value is particularly relevant with regard to valuation in accordance with IAS 40 in conjunction with IFRS 13. The fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction.

Fair Value

Fair value is particularly relevant with regard to valuation in accordance with IAS 40 in conjunction with IFRS 13. The fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction.

Fair Value

Fair value is particularly relevant with regard to valuation in accordance with IAS 40 in conjunction with IFRS 13. The fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction.


The Gross Asset Value (GAV) of the recognized real estate investments. This consists of the owner-occupied properties, the investment properties including development to hold, the assets held for sale and the development to sell area. In the latter, both residential properties for which a purchase contract has been signed and those with the intention to sell – i.e., a purchase contract has not yet been signed – are included.


The Gross Asset Value (GAV) of the recognized real estate investments. This consists of the owner-occupied properties, the investment properties including development to hold, the assets held for sale and the development to sell area. In the latter, both residential properties for which a purchase contract has been signed and those with the intention to sell – i.e., a purchase contract has not yet been signed – are included.

Group FFO

Group FFO reflects the recurring earnings from the operating business. In addition to the adjusted EBITDA for the Rental, Value-add, Recurring Sales, Development and Care segments, Group FFO allows for recurring current net interest expenses from non-derivative financial instruments as well as current income taxes. This key figure is not determined on the basis of any specific international reporting standard but is to be regarded as a supplement to other performance indicators determined in accordance with IFRS.

ICR (Interest Coverage Ratio)

The interest coverage ratio is the ratio of Adjusted EBITDA Total to net cash interest.


Maintenance covers the measures that are necessary to ensure that the property can continue to be used as intended over its useful life and that eliminate structural and other defects caused by wear and tear, age and weathering effects.


Maintenance covers the measures that are necessary to ensure that the property can continue to be used as intended over its useful life and that eliminate structural and other defects caused by wear and tear, age and weathering effects.


Maintenance covers the measures that are necessary to ensure that the property can continue to be used as intended over its useful life and that eliminate structural and other defects caused by wear and tear, age and weathering effects.


Maintenance covers the measures that are necessary to ensure that the property can continue to be used as intended over its useful life and that eliminate structural and other defects caused by wear and tear, age and weathering effects.

Vacancy Rate

The vacancy rate is the number of empty units as a percentage of the total units owned by the company. The vacant units are counted at the end of each month.

Vacancy Rate

The vacancy rate is the number of empty units as a percentage of the total units owned by the company. The vacant units are counted at the end of each month.

Vacancy Rate

The vacancy rate is the number of empty units as a percentage of the total units owned by the company. The vacant units are counted at the end of each month.

Vacancy Rate

The vacancy rate is the number of empty units as a percentage of the total units owned by the company. The vacant units are counted at the end of each month.

LTV Ratio (Loan-to-Value Ratio)

The LTV ratio shows the extent to which financial liabilities are covered. It shows the ratio of non-derivative financial liabilities pursuant to IFRS, less foreign exchange rate effects, cash and cash equivalents less advance payments received by Development (period-related), receivables from disposals, plus purchase prices for outstanding acquisitions to the total fair values of the real estate portfolio, fair values of the projects/land currently under construction as well as receivables from the sale of real estate inventories (period-related) plus the fair values of outstanding acquisitions and investments in other real estate companies, as well as loans to companies with holdings of real estate and land.

Rental Income

Rental income refers to the current gross income for rented units as agreed in the corresponding lease agreements before the deduction of non-transferable ancillary costs. The rental income from the Austrian property portfolio additionally includes maintenance and improvement contributions (EVB). The rental income from the portfolio in Sweden reflects inclusive rents, meaning that the amounts contain operating and heating costs.

Rental Income

Rental income refers to the current gross income for rented units as agreed in the corresponding lease agreements before the deduction of non-transferable ancillary costs. The rental income from the Austrian property portfolio additionally includes maintenance and improvement contributions (EVB). The rental income from the portfolio in Sweden reflects inclusive rents, meaning that the amounts contain operating and heating costs.

MFH Sales

We also report on the Other segment, which is not relevant from a corporate management perspective, in our segment reporting. This portfolio involves the sale of multifamily homes largely located outside of our urban quarters.

Rental Income

Rental income refers to the current gross income for rented units as agreed in the corresponding lease agreements before the deduction of non-transferable ancillary costs. The rental income from the Austrian property portfolio additionally includes maintenance and improvement contributions (EVB). The rental income from the portfolio in Sweden reflects inclusive rents, meaning that the amounts contain operating and heating costs.

Modernization Measures

Modernization measures are long-term and sustainable value-enhancing investments in housing and building stocks. Energy-efficient refurbishments generally involve improvements to the building shell and communal areas as well as the heat and electricity supply systems. Typical examples are the installation of heating systems, the renovation of balconies and the retrofitting of prefabricated balconies as well as the implementation of energy-saving projects, such as the installation of double-glazed windows and heat insulation, e.g. , facade insulation, insulation of the top story ceilings and basement ceilings. In addition to modernization of the apartment electrics, the refurbishment work upgrades the apartments, typically through the installation of modern and/or accessible bathrooms, the installation of new doors and the laying of high-quality and non-slip flooring. Where required, the floor plans are altered to meet changed housing needs.

Modernization Measures

Modernization measures are long-term and sustainable value-enhancing investments in housing and building stocks. Energy-efficient refurbishments generally involve improvements to the building shell and communal areas as well as the heat and electricity supply systems. Typical examples are the installation of heating systems, the renovation of balconies and the retrofitting of prefabricated balconies as well as the implementation of energy-saving projects, such as the installation of double-glazed windows and heat insulation, e.g. , facade insulation, insulation of the top story ceilings and basement ceilings. In addition to modernization of the apartment electrics, the refurbishment work upgrades the apartments, typically through the installation of modern and/or accessible bathrooms, the installation of new doors and the laying of high-quality and non-slip flooring. Where required, the floor plans are altered to meet changed housing needs.

Modernization Measures

Modernization measures are long-term and sustainable value-enhancing investments in housing and building stocks. Energy-efficient refurbishments generally involve improvements to the building shell and communal areas as well as the heat and electricity supply systems. Typical examples are the installation of heating systems, the renovation of balconies and the retrofitting of prefabricated balconies as well as the implementation of energy-saving projects, such as the installation of double-glazed windows and heat insulation, e.g. , facade insulation, insulation of the top story ceilings and basement ceilings. In addition to modernization of the apartment electrics, the refurbishment work upgrades the apartments, typically through the installation of modern and/or accessible bathrooms, the installation of new doors and the laying of high-quality and non-slip flooring. Where required, the floor plans are altered to meet changed housing needs.

Modernization Measures

Modernization measures are long-term and sustainable value-enhancing investments in housing and building stocks. Energy-efficient refurbishments generally involve improvements to the building shell and communal areas as well as the heat and electricity supply systems. Typical examples are the installation of heating systems, the renovation of balconies and the retrofitting of prefabricated balconies as well as the implementation of energy-saving projects, such as the installation of double-glazed windows and heat insulation, e.g. , facade insulation, insulation of the top story ceilings and basement ceilings. In addition to modernization of the apartment electrics, the refurbishment work upgrades the apartments, typically through the installation of modern and/or accessible bathrooms, the installation of new doors and the laying of high-quality and non-slip flooring. Where required, the floor plans are altered to meet changed housing needs.

Monthly In-place Rent

The monthly in-place rent is measured in euros per square meter and is the current gross rental income per month for rented units as agreed in the corresponding rent agreements at the end of the relevant month before deduction of non-transferable ancillary costs divided by the living area of the rented units. The rental income from the Austrian property portfolio additionally includes maintenance and improvement contributions (EVB). The rental income from the portfolio in Sweden reflects inclusive rents, meaning that the amounts contain operating and heating costs.

The in-place rent is often referred to as the “Nettokaltmiete” (net rent excl. ancillary costs such as heating, etc.). The monthly in-place rent on a like-for-like basis refers to the monthly in-place rent for the residential portfolio that was already held by Vonovia twelve months previously, i.e., portfolio changes during this period are not included in the calculation of the in-place rent on a like-for-like basis. If we also include the increase in rent due to new construction measures and measures to add extra stories, then we arrive at the organic increase in rent.

Monthly In-place Rent

The monthly in-place rent is measured in euros per square meter and is the current gross rental income per month for rented units as agreed in the corresponding rent agreements at the end of the relevant month before deduction of non-transferable ancillary costs divided by the living area of the rented units. The rental income from the Austrian property portfolio additionally includes maintenance and improvement contributions (EVB). The rental income from the portfolio in Sweden reflects inclusive rents, meaning that the amounts contain operating and heating costs.

The in-place rent is often referred to as the “Nettokaltmiete” (net rent excl. ancillary costs such as heating, etc.). The monthly in-place rent on a like-for-like basis refers to the monthly in-place rent for the residential portfolio that was already held by Vonovia twelve months previously, i.e., portfolio changes during this period are not included in the calculation of the in-place rent on a like-for-like basis. If we also include the increase in rent due to new construction measures and measures to add extra stories, then we arrive at the organic increase in rent.

Sustainability Performance Index (SPI)

Index to measure non-financial performance. Vonovia’s sustainable activities are geared towards the top sustainability topics that we have identified, which are bundled in the Sustainability Performance Index. The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) is included in the calculation of the Sustainability Performance Index. The CSI is determined at regular intervals in systematic customer surveys conducted by an external service provider and shows the effectiveness and sustainability of our services for the customer. Other indicators used in the Sustainability Performance Index are the carbon savings achieved annually in housing stock, the energy efficiency of new buildings, the share of accessible (partial) modernization measures in relation to newly let apartments, the increase in employee satisfaction and diversity in the company’s top management team.

Sustainability Performance Index (SPI)

Index to measure non-financial performance. Vonovia’s sustainable activities are geared towards the top sustainability topics that we have identified, which are bundled in the Sustainability Performance Index. The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) is included in the calculation of the Sustainability Performance Index. The CSI is determined at regular intervals in systematic customer surveys conducted by an external service provider and shows the effectiveness and sustainability of our services for the customer. Other indicators used in the Sustainability Performance Index are the carbon savings achieved annually in housing stock, the energy efficiency of new buildings, the share of accessible (partial) modernization measures in relation to newly let apartments, the increase in employee satisfaction and diversity in the company’s top management team.


We also report on the Other segment, which is not relevant from a corporate management perspective, in our segment reporting. This includes the sale, only as and when the right opportunities present themselves, of entire buildings or land (Non Core) that are likely to have below-average development potential in terms of rent growth in the medium term and are located in areas that can be described as peripheral compared with Vonovia’s overall portfolio and in view of future acquisitions.


Classification of debtors or securities with regard to their creditworthiness or credit quality according to credit ratings. The classification is generally performed by rating agencies.


Classification of debtors or securities with regard to their creditworthiness or credit quality according to credit ratings. The classification is generally performed by rating agencies.


Classification of debtors or securities with regard to their creditworthiness or credit quality according to credit ratings. The classification is generally performed by rating agencies.


Classification of debtors or securities with regard to their creditworthiness or credit quality according to credit ratings. The classification is generally performed by rating agencies.

Recurring Sales

The Recurring Sales segment includes the regular and sustainable disposals of individual condominiums and single-family houses from our portfolio. It does not include the sale of entire buildings or land (MFH Sales/Non Core). These properties are only sold as and when the right opportunities present themselves, meaning that the sales do not form part of our operating business within the narrower sense of the term. Therefore, these sales will be reported under “Other” in our segment reporting.

Fair Value Step-up

Fair value step-up is the difference between the income from selling a unit and its current fair value in relation to its fair value. It shows the percentage increase in value for the company on the sale of a unit before further costs of sale.

Fair Value Step-up

Fair value step-up is the difference between the income from selling a unit and its current fair value in relation to its fair value. It shows the percentage increase in value for the company on the sale of a unit before further costs of sale.

Cash-generating Unit (CGU)

Fair value step-up is the difference between the income from selling a unit and its current fair value in relation to its fair value. It shows the percentage increase in value for the company on the sale of a unit before further costs of sale.

Cash-generating Unit (CGU)

Fair value step-up is the difference between the income from selling a unit and its current fair value in relation to its fair value. It shows the percentage increase in value for the company on the sale of a unit before further costs of sale.

Cash-generating Unit (CGU)

Fair value step-up is the difference between the income from selling a unit and its current fair value in relation to its fair value. It shows the percentage increase in value for the company on the sale of a unit before further costs of sale.

Cash-generating Unit (CGU)

Fair value step-up is the difference between the income from selling a unit and its current fair value in relation to its fair value. It shows the percentage increase in value for the company on the sale of a unit before further costs of sale.

Cash-generating Unit (CGU)

Fair value step-up is the difference between the income from selling a unit and its current fair value in relation to its fair value. It shows the percentage increase in value for the company on the sale of a unit before further costs of sale.