Management System
Management Model
The management system tools are geared towards implementing the strategy through our sustainable business activities.
The 2023 fiscal year saw Vonovia break down the strategy that had been in place since the IPO further into its key value drivers. Against the backdrop of the current overall conditions, this process was accompanied by systematic improvements in the capital structure. The new value driver approach is set out and explained in detail under “Fundamental Information About the Group”.
At the same time, the Deutsche Wohnen Management Board subjected the nursing care activities to a strategic review. The outcome of this process is that the nursing care activities will no longer form part of the corporate strategy going forward and are to be sold. Towards the end of the 2023 fiscal year, the nursing care activities were subjected to a market test and were then reported from the fourth quarter of 2023 onwards as discontinued operations for the purposes of Group reporting. This means that the Care management segment has been abolished. Details can be found in the Notes under [A2] Adjustment to Prior-year Figures.
Consequently, Vonovia will manage its business via the four segments: Rental, Value-add, Recurring Sales and Development.
The Rental segment combines all of the business activities that are aimed at the value-enhancing management of our own residential real estate. It includes our property management activities in Germany, Austria and Sweden.
The Value-add segment bundles all of the housing-related services that we have expanded our core rental business to include. These services include both the maintenance and modernization work on our residential properties and services that are closely related to the rental business. We allocate the activities relating to the craftsmen’s and residential environment organization, the condominium administration business, the cable TV business, metering services, energy supplies and our insurance services to the Value-add segment.
The Recurring Sales segment includes the regular and sustainable disposals of individual condominiums and single-family houses from our portfolio.
Sales of entire buildings, plots of land or larger portfolios that are not part of the strategically relevant portfolio (MFH Sales/Non Core) are pursued as and when opportunities arise, meaning that they are not part of the Recurring Sales segment. We report these opportunistic sales in the Other column of the segment report.
The Development segment includes project development to build new homes. This covers the value chain starting with the purchase of land without any development plan/dedicated purpose, to completion and sale (to sell) or integration into Vonovia’s own portfolio (to hold). The Development segment deals with projects in selected attractive locations.
We have an integrated Group-wide planning and controlling system in place that is based on central performance indicators. Based on the medium-term plans derived from our strategy, which are subject to an annual review and are updated during the year in the event of significant transactions, we prepare a budget for all areas of the Group. In the course of the fiscal year, current economic developments are compared with these targets and the current forecasts on a regular basis for all key figures that are relevant to control. The business is then steered accordingly in a targeted manner, with any necessary countermeasures being initiated and tracked.
We make a distinction between financial and non-financial performance indicators.