Shareholder Structure
The chart shows the company’s shareholdings based on the data it collects itself and/or based on the voting rights pursuant to Sections 33 and 34 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) as notified by the shareholders in relation to the current share capital. It is important to note that the number of voting rights reported could have changed within the respective thresholds without triggering an obligation to notify the company.
Major Shareholders (as of December 31, 2023)
Based on the German stock exchange’s definition of free float, only the interest held by Norges Bank (Ministry of Finance on behalf of Norway) does not count toward the free float. As of December 31, 2023, 85.4% of Vonovia’s shares were in free float. The underlying voting rights notifications and corresponding financial instruments reported by shareholders or other instruments pursuant to Sections 38 and 39 WpHG can be found online.
In line with Vonovia’s long-term strategic focus, the majority of its investors also has a long-term focus. The company’s investors include pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and international asset managers in particular. We determine and update the shareholder structure on a regular basis. In August 2023, we had identified approximately 90% of our shareholder base. Institutional investors account for 90% of our shareholders and private investors for around 10%. The breakdown of the company’s shareholders by region at the end of 2023 is as follows:
Regional Distribution of Institutional Investors of Vonovia SE
2023 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of Vonovia SE was held as a virtual event on May 17, 2023. The shareholders approved all of the resolution proposals put forward by the Supervisory Board and the Management Board as required. They also formally approved the actions of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board for the 2022 fiscal year with a large majority in each case.
The Annual General Meeting approved the dividend proposal of € 0.85 made by the Supervisory Board and the Management Board, which corresponds to a dividend yield of 3.9% based on the closing price for 2022 of € 22.02. Shareholders were free to choose between a cash dividend and a scrip dividend. 44.87% opted for a dividend in the form of shares.
A total of 68.08% of the company’s share capital was represented.
Since 2018, the investor portal has given our shareholders the option to conveniently attend to all formalities relating to registering for and voting at the Annual General Meeting online.